Online-Zahlungen, mit denen Sie das Vertrauen Ihrer Kunden gewinnen und Ihren Umsatz steigern

Einführung des Online-Zahlungssystems Autopay - zugeschnitten auf die Bedürfnisse Ihres wachsenden Unternehmens

Jetzt starten

Register Your Company

Company data
Registered office address
Representative's data
Beneficiary details
Clarification of the concept of beneficial owner: If you run a Sole Proprietorship and no other person controls your company, you are also the beneficial owner. When you run a company Information about this can be found here.
Service information

Make sure that the account you designate for settlements is the one from which you will initiate the verification transfer.

Payment methods
Processing and Settlement currency
E-mail addresses

The administrator of personal data is Autopay S.A. with its registered office in Sopot. Providing data is voluntary, but necessary for the provision of the service. The legal basis, purpose, period of personal data processing and the rights of the User, as well as other important information regarding the principles of personal data processing are specified in detail in the Autopay S.A. privacy policy.